Friday, November 8, 2013

Main area

 before new carpet

 Putting new carpet in.....

 Back to morning routine. After vacuuming bedroom i come straight in here

 This has all changed. Ill post new pics shortly....

 Same room....

 Still  the same room......

 Still the same room.....

 Please check out my drawers

 and cabinets......

 could be better but it works.....

 oh check these cabinets out too.....

 Pantry 1

 Pantry 2

 still the same room......
 Pantry 3     and still the same room
 pattern of new carpet

Begining of my morning bed/bath

 when i wake up this is what it looks like

 here is before and after of s&s

yes even the inside of my shower and my garden tub.

 It feels nice to have each kind of towel (hair, body, rags) in their own baskets.

 reg side of bathroom sink with hints of unfinished projects......

 here's where toddler trashed it and i haven't gotten to it yet and my robot that cleans the bathroom floor in 10 min

Bed before and after.......

 His                                              Mine
